Sunday, June 16, 2013

Big Announcement and My First Guest Blogger!

Hey All!

I’ve been busy this week putting the finishing touches on a video that I’m very proud of. Check that out at this link:

Big thanks to all those who helped to make this video a reality. You’ve been awesome to work with. One down and many, many to go.

Because I’ve been busy with that I haven’t had a chance to write anything this week. So, I’m doing something this weekend that I had hoped to eventually do, just not this soon. I’m having a guest blogger author this week’s entry.

Check back next weekend or subscribe to get updates. Hell, do both. I’m pretty sure I’ve got things set up to subscribe by email. If not let me know. Hopefully, next weekend I’ll have something to say. I’m usually not at a loss there. But I just ran out of time. Also, subscribe to 1516 Productions at the YouTube link above. We’re planning on filling that bad boy up with some great videos.

Well, I’ll stop blabbing and introduce you to your guest writer now.

I have in my many years of life met some really interesting characters. I mean some wonderfully colorful people. But this week’s guest writer has got to be near the top. Although, I grew up in the land of trailer parks, it wasn’t until I moved to L.A. that I met Dale. This crazy little creature is a bit out of place in SoCal, but Dale would’ve fit right in back in my hometown. Maybe that’s why we’ve always gotten along so well. Anyway, Dale’s going to take care of the pontificating and bloviating this week. Everyone, my friend, Dale The Redneck Possum! Have at it Dale!

Hi y’all. So, first things first. I suppose I should show you a pic of me or somthin’. Uh I’m not a big fan of them cameras. The flash hurts my eyes. But here’s a painting a friend of mine did. I think it captures my likeness all right. 

It ain’t easy bein’ a possum in LA. At least folks ain’t tryna hunt me for a pie though. I got family in Arkansaw. Not many anymore. But some.

Ok, first things first, What in the Hell is this boy J.Lee’s problem? Huh? I mean one blog a week. He dun lost is ever-lovin’ mind if he thinks anyone is going to remember in a week to check back. How fuckin’ hard is it to write a short little somethin’ everyday? We all check our facebook like 20 times a day, right? And most of us repost about 6 things, plus some dumbass comment or picture of what we ete for supper that night. (Believe you-me, you do not want to see my suppers!) I mean grow a pair, boy. I hope he checks back an’ reads this. I swear, I will stomp a mudhole in yor ass Glassburn. Post more.

Alright! I gots sumthin’ on my mind. First, I AM SO GLAD that people are still talking about this NSA bullshit. Jleeglassburn had already approached me to write this blog earlier in the week an’ I wasn’t sure it was still gonna be news by the time his dumbass got around to posting somthin’. But by the grace of God we are still concerned. So I gots something to say about it.

To all my Liberal, crybaby SoCal neighbors, if you got something to hide, you are the ones we are looking at! If you don’t, why do you care? Hell, NSA wants to check my facebook posts, read my emails, listen to my phone calls, you gonna be bored. I got nothing to hide. I talk to my mama once a week. I set up times for me an’ my buddy to go diggin’ through garbage cans.  Borin’ shit. An’ you know why? Because I love America! That’s right I bleed red-white-and-blue! But all you Liberals want to make sure that if a buncha raghead, terrorist want to blow up some gotod hard-working, nice Americans they should have that right. Waaah waah waah! Those people’s poor rights.

And this Snowden fella, he ain’t no hero. Quit saying that shit. He gave away American secrets. We are less safe because of him. That’s why he left the country. Thank you for that Mr. Snowden. Because America! Love it or Leave it. And you did. I wish I could find him myself. As far as I’m concerned he is a terrorist. I mean he may look like I nice fella but I bet he’s got friends named Mohommad.

Look do you know how many people die in terrorist attacks every year? Well, I don’t either, but I bet it’s almost as many as people who are eaten by sharks every year. Now that’s some scary shit! If reading my tweets make the country safer, what’s wrong with that?

One of the things that great about being an American is that we don’t live in some shitty mid-eastern dictatorship where you’re scared to wake up in the morning. Maybe there’s somebody outside your door waiting to kill you. Well, that’s the America liberals want.

First things first, Liberals, someone needs to slap you and wake you up to the reality that we can’t all just have a coke and skip through the meadow holding hands. There are bad people in this world and they want to kill us. Because America is the greatest country in the world. How can you not connect those dots? How dumb are you?

So, I say, good job NSA. Way to keep America safe. I hope this asshole, Snowden didn’t undue to much of your hard work. And to the Liberals let me break it down for you.

Telling American secrets isn’t free speech. Talking bad about the government isn’t free speech. Free speech is like saying “Ford is better than Chevy.” I mean you’d have to be dummer than a bag of hammers to think that, but this is America and you got a right to be wrong. America is the good guys! If you’re against America you’re a terrorist.

Furthermore, I’m an American and I’m one of the good guys. So if the NSA wants to read my emails, I say let ‘em. I got nothing to hide. I love America. I don’t care. Read my emails. Read my tweets. Listen to my phone calls. Read my mail. It’s just a birthday card to my mama. Hey if it make America safer you can put a soldier right in my home. I don’t care. I’d love to show some hospitality to the fine men who protect our freedom. But, then I support our troops. Not like these goddamend hippy liberals.

These lah tay sipping, hybrid driving crybabies are all ways bitching about terrorist rights. Like, why didn’t Obama close Gitmo. Because they are keeping terrorist there to keep us safe, dipshit! Waah waah waah. No due process, no speedy trial, cruel an’ unusual punishment. Those are American freedoms. We don’t give them to terrorists!

And what’s this about drone strikes or something. Look it’s real simple Liberals. Don’t hate America and we won’t fuck with you. What’s so hard about that?

Alright, I got a little of topic. I guess I said everything I wanted to say about this NSA business. But as long as we’re talking about Liberals and their view on rights. Why are you wussies so concerned with all the rights except the Second Amendment? Hmm? I mean what are we supposed to do if the government gets all tyrannical and starts taking away our freedoms? I bet you’ll be glad people (and possums) like me have guns then, huh?

Alright, I’m done. But J.Lee said to tell you, um, leave comments or something. I guess if you want to express your opinion on the topic. But if you just want to say something against America I would advise against it. The NSA is probly reading this. So …. Yeah.

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