Monday, October 13, 2014


Missed this week.  It might be that I have too much going on to participate in this challenge. Hmmmmm. 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Why do(n't) I write?

So, as part of the Start-A-Blog Challenge, Scott Dinsmore is sending each participant a writing prompt everyday to get the creative juices flowing. I have not been checking my email, sooooooo I’m way behind. Let’s see if I can incorporate all of them into one super-post, all while writing for the purpose to discover what I want to do with this whole blog thing. (which is part of the challenge too)

I feel like I’ve struggled in the past to keep up a blog for a couple reasons: 1. I can never stick with a topic. Hell, I can’t stick with a medium. I really want to be making YouTube videos instead of writing a blog. But that involves writing, and shooting, and editing! Ugh! With a blog I just write and I’m done. Much better for a lazy-ass like me.

The vloggers I follow on YouTube cover a variety of topics. Some are specific like Crash Course (I follow the history ones) and Film Riot (they cover filmmaking) But others are just guys who speak into their camera on a variety of subjects. Like The1Janitor and Connor Manning. Each episode is just their thoughts on topics, usually ones in the news at the time.

This really appeals to me and kinda leads to the second reason I struggle to keep up a blog. 2. I have strong opinions and am passionate about topics that make people uncomfortable. I want to write about racism, politics, religion, human rights, etc. And my opinions usually don’t fall neatly into a standard paradigm. I’m certainly not conservative but I don’t pay lip service to Liberal causes either. Let me give you a couple examples.

I think the jury delivered the right verdict in the George Zimmerman case. Not that I think Zimms is a swell guy just doing his duty. I think he’s a racist who murdered Trayvon Martin. That’s what I assume happened. But there wasn’t enough evidence to charge him, let alone convict.

See, Conservatives want to prop him up as a good guy with a gun, while smearing Martin. Liberals see the rampant racism both in Zimmerman and the world and want to convict. But being racist isn’t a crime. I can’t get my feelings on this to line up with either side. So I end up pissing off everyone. And that’s fine. But who wants to read that blog?

Here’s a more recent example. Ray Rice, the NFL and domestic violence. Everyone is talking about domestic violence right now. Of course the Libs are taking up the mantle, “It’s never right to hit a woman.” And that feels so equal rights. The old way of thinking is that women are owned by their man and he can do as he pleases to her. So this seems like the opposite of that. Women are not to be punching bags. They are people too and you should treat them with respect.

The problem I have with this thinking is that there is a lot of evidence that shows domestic violence is hardly a women-only issue. Many men are victims of violence from their wife or girlfriend. I’ve seen some studies that indicate it’s nearly a 50/50 issue. There are just as many men who are victims as there are women.

The numbers can be debated but the issue is far from one sided.

Furthermore, to make it a women’s issue is rather misogynistic. It assumes that women are fundamentally weaker than men. And some feminists are ok with this description when we’re talking about abuse. (But not when talking about career choices, equal work for equal pay or anywhere else that it’s detrimental instead of beneficial)

I’ve met some pretty tough women in my life. I was in the military, I’ve been a victim of domestic abuse (sort of, she was a friend who liked to “playfully” punch me, hard, left bruises) and I know a certain lady, under 5’, who spent the night in jail for pummeling a bar bouncer (I’ll let her remain anonymous, since she’s a mother now.) I’ve known a lot of tough ladies, and plenty of wimpy men as well. I don’t believe men are physically superior to women.

I do believe that on average men are slightly stronger than women. But not in a cat and mouse dynamic. Not in a predator-prey dynamic. More like cats and dogs. It doesn’t take a large cat to mess up a dog, even a dog that is much bigger.

I also believe that many men THINK men are much more powerful than women. I believe that many women share this belief. When encountering a physical confrontation these women fail to heed Sun Tzu’s advice: “Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.” In other words, if you believe you will be defeated you certainly will be. Because they believe they are physically inferior, they don’t fight back. Fight back, you’ll be surprised how tough you are.

So, I don’t like the slogan, “It’s never right to hit a woman.” I much prefer, “It’s never right to hit.” But because I don’t take up the Liberal side of this issue and fight for the rights of women, I’m part of the patriarchy and I support rape culture. The truth is, I think women are strong and tough, as strong and tough as men. I believe they are equals and if we could convince men AND women of that, there would probably be less domestic violence. In the meantime, stop hitting each other!

So there you go, I have strong opinions and no matter whom I’m talking to, Lib or Con I’m usually arguing with them. So who wants to read that? But what do I know? I’m just one man talking.

So this entry was supposed to answer the writing prompts Scott gave out, and hopefully reach 250 words. As of the end of this sentence this entry contains 1005 words. So I’m going to call it a night. I’ll try to tie in the writing prompts into my next entry.

If you’ve made it this far, thank you! Let me know in the comments what you think about the dusty old topic of George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin, or racism in America. (Both still important issues.) I’d also love to hear what you think about domestic violence. Is it misogynistic or empowering to say, “Don’t hit women”?

Also, sign up in the upper right to receive an email when a new post goes up. Until we talk again, live well!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

New Leaf?

I've decided to participate in Scott Dinsmore's Start-A-Blog Challenge. (Restarting is permitted.) I'm hoping the accountability and writing prompts will help keep me going. Also I'm going to try to incorporate YouTube videos in this challenge. So here's hoping for good things!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Gravity Review

I just got back from Gravity and I have a few thoughts. NO SPOILERS!

Let’s address this 3D shit. I don’t remember the first 3D movie I ever saw in theaters, probably Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare. Although, I that was probably the old red/blue glasses.

Regardless, I’ve never found the effect beneficial to a movie-going experience. It’s never seemed anything more than novel, really. Mostly, it annoys me. The 3D experience is clearly different for each person. Some people love it, others hate it, and no one is wrong. I personally see no benefit to it.

In fact, I have two huge complaints. First, the whole movie looks darker because of the polarized lenses in the 3D glasses. And if the scene in a movie is too dark I can’t see what’s going on. The colors become muted and muddy. After all, I am wearing essentially sunglasses in a dark movie theater. Who thought this was a good idea?

Secondly, to me, 3D doesn’t look real. Sure it tricks my eyes into thinking one object is actually in front of another. It looks like I could reach out and stick my hand behind it. But *that object *doesn’t look 3D.

I noticed this effect in a terrible way in The Hobbit trailer before the movie. One character is clearly in front of another and they are both clearly in front of the scenery. But the characters themselves look flat. No depth from ear to nose. It’s like paper dolls in a diorama.

There are several things that clue our visual cortex into seeing the third dimension: Parallax, scale/proportion, detail/haze, atmospheric perspective. These are all available to the filmmaker of a 2D movie. In fact, they have been employed by image makers since the Renaissance Painters first discovered them. The only thing not available is stereoscopic vision.

If you close one eye the world doesn’t suddenly become an ancient Egyptian painting where every person is the same size, no matter how far away they are supposed to be. You can still see that the really small car is farther away on the road than the really big car that you are tailgating. With just one eye we still have very good depth perception.

The same is true of 2D movies. The images don’t seem to jump off the screen but they do look 3D beyond the screen. It’s as if the screen is a window and you’re looking through it. All those things I mentioned above are happening in a 2D movie to create a 3D effect.

Upon further consideration, I think what bothers me here is that the stereoscopic vision creates depth that doesn’t have a parallax effect when I shift in my seat. If the camera were still it would provide a static left and right eye image. And it might look very real if you sit perfectly still. When you shift, or tilt your head, however, the camera didn’t move when shooting so the parallax is not there. But in Gravity the camera is always moving. (Hmmm interesting discovery.)

And one last thing: I don’t like wearing glasses. Maybe if they were more comfortable I could enjoy a 3D movie.

I was ready to give up on the over-priced gimmick of 3D about the time of Avatar. But everyone said, “OMG! You HAVE to see Avatar in 3D! It’s amazing! It totally changes the movie! You won’t regret it.” Well, I saw Avatar in 3D. And I didn’t like it; the 3D, not the movie. I thought the movie was okay. I just wish I had NOT seen it in 3D.

I also ended up watching Wreck It Ralph in 3D. But that was more about going to watch it at the El Capitan Theater and it just happened to be showing in 3D. Again, I think I would have enjoyed it more in standard 2D.

So, when everyone was like, “OMG! You HAVE to see Gravity in 3D! It’s amazing! It totally changes the movie! You won’t regret it.” I had my doubts. But, I thought, I’ll give 3D one. more. chance.

I realized that I had never seen a movie in 3D IMAX. I had only seen RealD 3D. I though, the price for 3D IMAX is higher so maybe the quality is higher and the experience is better.

I looked into it and according to the IMAX website the difference between IMAX 3D and “the other guys’ 3D” is that IMAX is projected with two projectors. Each one dedicated to one eye. The left projector projects the left eye image and the right projector … you get it.

But “the other guys” use one projector and they project first the left eye image, then the right eye image, very quickly and our brains put it together. (This is basically the way movies have always worked only now they have to contend with separate movies for each eye) Check out the IMAX website if my description isn’t clear enough. They have a video that explains it very well.

I thought this flickering back and forth, only one eye getting an image at a time, might be the reason I’ve always found 3D movies too dark. Perhaps with twice the image on the screen it will appear brighter.

So what did I think about the IMAX 3D experience for Gravity. Remember Gravity? This is a review about Gravity.

Best 3D experience I’ve ever had. Hands down. The image was not too dark. I did not feel the need to remove my glasses during dark scenes (and this movie takes place in space. There are dark scenes.) I didn’t pick up on the paper doll effect, much. It was there but not to the point that it took me out of the movie. For the most part, this 3D looked real. I’d like to see it again in RealD just to confirm that that is the issue.

Does Gravity NEED to be seen in 3D. No. I don’t believe it does. *I* certainly didn’t need to see it in 3D. Like I said, everyone’s experience is different.

This movie definitely took advantage of 3D. It used it well. And at times it was gimmicky, (objects flying at the viewer) More than any other movie I’ve seen using 3D, this movie put you in the movie. Many times the view was out thru the space suit. The sound design added to this effect of putting the viewer *in* the movie. More on that next. If you’ve ever been to a theme park like Universal Studios and been on a 4D ride you can understand using 3D to put the viewer in the middle of the action. In fact, that was one of my take aways from Gravity. It felt like a 90 minute theme park ride more than going to see a movie. But it was definitely still a movie, very nice story.

Okay, wrapping up the 3D Experience and getting on to a few more points.

The 3D effect was put to very good use in this movie and in a way that was not overly gimmicky. IMAX 3D, it would seem, is a superior 3D experience; no darkness issues, no distracting paper doll effect. So, I would have to say that the 3D enhanced my experience in watching this movie. But…

In my market, an IMAX 3D movie costs $20/ticket. RealD 3D showings go for around $17/ticket and most chain megaplexes charge $13 for the standard 2D experience. However, I hate going to the megaplex, attached to some mall, with an audience of teenagers talking to the screen, on their phones and at each other. 

I like my local theater, with an audience of aging hipsters of the neighborhood who respect the craft and treat the experience like a religious service. A significant portion of each audience hangs around until the very end of the credits. Perhaps, hoping to catch what Roger Ebert called a Monk’s Reward. Perhaps just to show respect for those whose name appears. Just as likely they’re looking for their own, or a friend’s name.

The two theaters in my neighborhood are restored small theaters from the heyday of movie palaces. And they offer matinees for just $6.50 ($9.50 regular price.) why would I ever go to a megaplex? Well, to see something in 3D, of course.

But here’s my quandary. I have a great movie going experience *every* *time* at the Los Feliz 3 or the Vista. So, for a movie to warrant a price more than twice what I pay at my favorite theater, it should deliver twice the experience. And even Gravity in IMAX 3D was not twice as good as I’m sure it would have been to see it at the Los Feliz 3, where it is also playing.

From now on, I’ll wait for a movie to come to my favorite theater and just sit real close to the screen. That’s 3D enough for me.

The sound design on this movie was astounding. In space there is nothing to carry sound and Sound was mindful of that from start to finish on this movie. Everything sounded like it was in space. Not that I’ve ever been. You might just have to see it to understand what I mean. But it really immersed the audience in the movie this way. You felt like you were there with them. Go see it and appreciate the decisions that were made concerning sound.

If there is even one guy out there who is thinking, “No way my girl is dragging me to another Sandra Bullock movie. She got me with that Lake House bullshit. ‘Keanu is in it. It’ll be like Speed’ she said. ‘It’s about time travel, or something,’ She said. NOT GOING! Not going to do it! Nope!”

I get it Bullock is the reigning queen of rom-coms. But this movie is an action film. Whaaaaaaaaat?!??! An action film starring a woman, and not just any woman but Sandra mutha-fuckin Bullock? Yeah! get used to it.! Because she’s damn good in it, too. It’s not all “get to da chappa” action. Like I said before, it’s a damn good story. There’s some heart there. Now, it’s not a very deep story. Don’t expect Inception. Don’t expect Schindler’s List. But I was thinking it would be Open Water, in space, with a budget. And it wasn’t that.

Jesus, An action film starring Sandra Bullock. Who would think that could work?! Go see it just for that. Not only that but she turns in a hell of a performance and for a good chunk of the movie she’s alone on screen. Wow!

I hate when I’m watching a movie and I can clearly see that a shot has been altered by CG or worse when it goes completely CG. I’m looking at you Daredevil, Benjamin Button and oh yes Dark Knight! I got lost in this movie. I know they had to have used nothing but CG in some of those shots. But it never looked like it. I almost think they shot this in space. Big applause to the CG team. I hope you all were well compensated for the amazing work you put in.

I had heard something about a long shot (15 minutes or more) in the movie. I’m not sure there’s a cut in the entire movie. I don’t remember many obvious cuts. I’m sure they were there, but I was so engrossed. The camera never stops moving and sometimes it seems like shots go on forever. But if you’re not looking for it you’re not going to notice. Because, it never gets boring.

I’m actually baffled as to how they shot some of it. There are two ways to simulate Zero Gravity here on Earth: underwater and the Vomit Comet. Underwater has some obvious draw backs: unable to speak lines, air bubbles clinging to hairs, etc. And the Vomit Comet (look it up) only provides a few minutes of Zero Gravity at a time and these shots were much longer. Someday I’ll look up how they did these shots, but for now I’m content to just marvel at the spectacle.

Hmmm. Well, I had never seen a movie in the historic Chinese Theater before, so that was a special treat. Beautiful auditorium.

I don’t think Gravity is the best movie ever made. But it’s unquestionably a game changer. It may have extended the life of 3D by 10 years. If they can’t fix that paper doll thing it will eventually lose its novelty. It stars a woman in the lead of an action film. Brava! To Sandra Bullock and Bravi to all involved in that decision.  Everything from storytelling, to 3D usage, sound design and CG this movie raised the bar. It’s a phenomenal show.

One parting bit of advice. Whether you see it in 3D or 2D or wait for DVD, practice holding your breath. Because you’ll be doing a lot of that while watching this film!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Big Announcement and My First Guest Blogger!

Hey All!

I’ve been busy this week putting the finishing touches on a video that I’m very proud of. Check that out at this link:

Big thanks to all those who helped to make this video a reality. You’ve been awesome to work with. One down and many, many to go.

Because I’ve been busy with that I haven’t had a chance to write anything this week. So, I’m doing something this weekend that I had hoped to eventually do, just not this soon. I’m having a guest blogger author this week’s entry.

Check back next weekend or subscribe to get updates. Hell, do both. I’m pretty sure I’ve got things set up to subscribe by email. If not let me know. Hopefully, next weekend I’ll have something to say. I’m usually not at a loss there. But I just ran out of time. Also, subscribe to 1516 Productions at the YouTube link above. We’re planning on filling that bad boy up with some great videos.

Well, I’ll stop blabbing and introduce you to your guest writer now.

I have in my many years of life met some really interesting characters. I mean some wonderfully colorful people. But this week’s guest writer has got to be near the top. Although, I grew up in the land of trailer parks, it wasn’t until I moved to L.A. that I met Dale. This crazy little creature is a bit out of place in SoCal, but Dale would’ve fit right in back in my hometown. Maybe that’s why we’ve always gotten along so well. Anyway, Dale’s going to take care of the pontificating and bloviating this week. Everyone, my friend, Dale The Redneck Possum! Have at it Dale!

Hi y’all. So, first things first. I suppose I should show you a pic of me or somthin’. Uh I’m not a big fan of them cameras. The flash hurts my eyes. But here’s a painting a friend of mine did. I think it captures my likeness all right. 

It ain’t easy bein’ a possum in LA. At least folks ain’t tryna hunt me for a pie though. I got family in Arkansaw. Not many anymore. But some.

Ok, first things first, What in the Hell is this boy J.Lee’s problem? Huh? I mean one blog a week. He dun lost is ever-lovin’ mind if he thinks anyone is going to remember in a week to check back. How fuckin’ hard is it to write a short little somethin’ everyday? We all check our facebook like 20 times a day, right? And most of us repost about 6 things, plus some dumbass comment or picture of what we ete for supper that night. (Believe you-me, you do not want to see my suppers!) I mean grow a pair, boy. I hope he checks back an’ reads this. I swear, I will stomp a mudhole in yor ass Glassburn. Post more.

Alright! I gots sumthin’ on my mind. First, I AM SO GLAD that people are still talking about this NSA bullshit. Jleeglassburn had already approached me to write this blog earlier in the week an’ I wasn’t sure it was still gonna be news by the time his dumbass got around to posting somthin’. But by the grace of God we are still concerned. So I gots something to say about it.

To all my Liberal, crybaby SoCal neighbors, if you got something to hide, you are the ones we are looking at! If you don’t, why do you care? Hell, NSA wants to check my facebook posts, read my emails, listen to my phone calls, you gonna be bored. I got nothing to hide. I talk to my mama once a week. I set up times for me an’ my buddy to go diggin’ through garbage cans.  Borin’ shit. An’ you know why? Because I love America! That’s right I bleed red-white-and-blue! But all you Liberals want to make sure that if a buncha raghead, terrorist want to blow up some gotod hard-working, nice Americans they should have that right. Waaah waah waah! Those people’s poor rights.

And this Snowden fella, he ain’t no hero. Quit saying that shit. He gave away American secrets. We are less safe because of him. That’s why he left the country. Thank you for that Mr. Snowden. Because America! Love it or Leave it. And you did. I wish I could find him myself. As far as I’m concerned he is a terrorist. I mean he may look like I nice fella but I bet he’s got friends named Mohommad.

Look do you know how many people die in terrorist attacks every year? Well, I don’t either, but I bet it’s almost as many as people who are eaten by sharks every year. Now that’s some scary shit! If reading my tweets make the country safer, what’s wrong with that?

One of the things that great about being an American is that we don’t live in some shitty mid-eastern dictatorship where you’re scared to wake up in the morning. Maybe there’s somebody outside your door waiting to kill you. Well, that’s the America liberals want.

First things first, Liberals, someone needs to slap you and wake you up to the reality that we can’t all just have a coke and skip through the meadow holding hands. There are bad people in this world and they want to kill us. Because America is the greatest country in the world. How can you not connect those dots? How dumb are you?

So, I say, good job NSA. Way to keep America safe. I hope this asshole, Snowden didn’t undue to much of your hard work. And to the Liberals let me break it down for you.

Telling American secrets isn’t free speech. Talking bad about the government isn’t free speech. Free speech is like saying “Ford is better than Chevy.” I mean you’d have to be dummer than a bag of hammers to think that, but this is America and you got a right to be wrong. America is the good guys! If you’re against America you’re a terrorist.

Furthermore, I’m an American and I’m one of the good guys. So if the NSA wants to read my emails, I say let ‘em. I got nothing to hide. I love America. I don’t care. Read my emails. Read my tweets. Listen to my phone calls. Read my mail. It’s just a birthday card to my mama. Hey if it make America safer you can put a soldier right in my home. I don’t care. I’d love to show some hospitality to the fine men who protect our freedom. But, then I support our troops. Not like these goddamend hippy liberals.

These lah tay sipping, hybrid driving crybabies are all ways bitching about terrorist rights. Like, why didn’t Obama close Gitmo. Because they are keeping terrorist there to keep us safe, dipshit! Waah waah waah. No due process, no speedy trial, cruel an’ unusual punishment. Those are American freedoms. We don’t give them to terrorists!

And what’s this about drone strikes or something. Look it’s real simple Liberals. Don’t hate America and we won’t fuck with you. What’s so hard about that?

Alright, I got a little of topic. I guess I said everything I wanted to say about this NSA business. But as long as we’re talking about Liberals and their view on rights. Why are you wussies so concerned with all the rights except the Second Amendment? Hmm? I mean what are we supposed to do if the government gets all tyrannical and starts taking away our freedoms? I bet you’ll be glad people (and possums) like me have guns then, huh?

Alright, I’m done. But J.Lee said to tell you, um, leave comments or something. I guess if you want to express your opinion on the topic. But if you just want to say something against America I would advise against it. The NSA is probly reading this. So …. Yeah.

Monday, June 10, 2013


Once again Jezebel takes a story that has NOTHING to do with sexism and turns it into a women’s issue.

Here are some stories they would have written, had they been around thru-out history.

Mary Todd Needs This Like She Needs A Hole In Her Head
Ol’ Honest Abe’s devotion to preserving the Union and extending liberty to all people, did launch a series of events that has resulted in his enemies assassinating him. Had his devotion to his wife been as great as his devotion to country, perhaps she wouldn’t be a widow today. It wouldn’t surprise me if this whole tragedy lands poor, poor Mary Todd in a looney bin. Too bad Mr. Lincoln won’t live to see the horrifying outcome of his inattention to his duties as husband. If you had only left well enough alone, Abe. What was soooo important?

Hey, Jesus! Quit Being A Martyr And Think About Someone Else for Once!
Jesus of Nazareth is God’s Gift To Humanity. Just ask him. He’ll tell you. Pffft! Look, buddy, it’s obvious to everyone that Mary Magdalene has the got it bad for you. But you’re too busy being all: “I’m the Son of God! I’ve got my ministry to think of.” I’ve heard it all before. My best friend Julie is a sucker for you hipster types. You all spend all day hanging out with your buds and then when she asks you to just spend a little time with your girlfriend it’s, “But I’ve got my music to work on. I’ve got to mix and master my film, I’ve got to go vinyl shopping.” What the hell did you do all day?!? Man up and commit to something, ya bastard! That’s right. I said it. We all know Joe the Carpenter ain’t your daddy. Come down off your high-horse. You don’t walk on water. Or is it that she used to be a provider of carnal pleasures? Is that it, Hey-soose?!? Are you slut-shaming her? Look, she did what she had to, to survive! She’s a SURVIVOR! But I guess you wouldn’t know anything about that, would you? Poor Mary. I suppose we all have our cross to bear.

If Loving Shoes Is Wrong, I Don’t Want To Be Right.
Poor, Poor Imelda Marco. Today she was forced to flee into exile. In her haste to leave her beloved homeland of The Philippines, she had to leave behind her large shoe collection. There are some those among the haters (all men, I’m sure) who are criticizing the size of the shoe collection. But I mean what girl doesn’t love a sexy stiletto or sensible pump. Can we really blame this woman for loving shoes? Who doesn’t? Anyway, all she was ever guilty of was embezzling a little money and a bit of political assassination. But I mean a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do to get those shoes! Well, until the patriarchy can be brought to its knees, where it belongs, poor Imelda Marco has to remain in exile and barefoot (Just how the misogynistic majority would like it I suppose.) If you would like to help poor Imelda and send a pair of shoes to Jezebel, we’ll be sure to send them on to her. (Well, what I don’t skim off the top that is. Imelda would understand.)

Penis Privilege Prevails as Super Ship Sinks

Early today the RMS Titanic of the White Star Line put on a spectacular display of male privilege! Late last night the hulking ocean liner bumped a bit of ice as it crossed the North Atlantic. Well, duh! It’s springtime in THE NORTH ATLANTIC. Anyway. Shortly after the mighty boat skimmed the edge of this ice cube the call went out, “Women and children in the lifeboats!” Oh! Sure. Women and children have to crowd together in tiny lifeboats, completely exposed to the frigid night air while the men enjoy the comforts of the luxury liner! I mean they had a band playing on board but could women stick around to enjoy the music? NOOOOOOO!!!!!!Are you serious!? As soon as we get the right to vote, crimes against women, such as this, will be a thing of the past. For shame White Star Line, for shame!